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How to install XO-system 2
Rangan Srikhanta avatar
Written by Rangan Srikhanta
Updated over 3 years ago

This tutorial will help you upgrade your XO-duo to our Android based XO-system 2 OS.

Please note that you need to do the first three steps on your PC or Mac

This means that you will be able to try new features. Your feedback is important for us to support you and offer the best experience with the XO devices: problem reports and suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Warning: This will erase all the existing files on the laptop: make sure you backup important items first! Please make sure you test this thoroughly before upgrading an entire classroom.

Good To Know! This new version of Android will contain the Google Play store for students and teachers through the App Universe. If you would like to set up a content filter or restrict access, see this forum postfor some suggested strategies.

Step 1 - Create a bootable usb drive

1. To begin, download the software image from the button above, selecting save if prompted. The file (~850MB) can be downloaded on your personal computer or laptop.

2. Now we need to delete everything on the usb and reformat it. Ensure any important files on the usb are moved to somewhere else.Right click on the usb and select the format option. Set the file system to FAT32 and press start.

3. Once the download is completed and your usb is formatted to FAT32, open the downloaded file and click Extract All. When it asks you where you want to extract the files, browse and select your usb drive.

Step 2 - Getting your XO-duo ready to have the new OS installed

1. Pre-upgrade check:

  • Make sure your device is fully charged: plugged in or at least above %70. This will ensure you can complete a safe upgrade

  • Make sure you have saved any work: installing the new build will erase any previous data! (your installed apps, documents, photos and videos will all be erased) Please see our ES File Explorer article for assistance.

  • Have Log in details ready: including proxy details for your Wireless Access Points so you can get connected right away. You can read ahead on Getting Connected for more articles.

  • Find helpers: reduce the overall time of upgrading multiple devices by loading multiple USB's with the build files and having additional people to assist

2. Turn off the device to start.

3. Plug the USB drive into your XO and turn on the laptop. 

4. After a few verifications, the on screen instructions will warn you that all saved files will be erased. Press Y to continue when you are ready.

5. You will see the upgrade commence with blocks moving across the screen. This will take up to 3 minutes and is a good time to start the next device if you are upgrading multiple.

6. Once the update is complete, remove the USB stick and press any key to boot

7. The first boot will take longer than normal. You will see the Android icon flashing colours and once complete you will arrive to your welcome screen. Click through the initial introduction, and you will arrive on your new home page!

Good job! Your laptop should now be updated. You will need to configure the network connection, which you can complete using Connect.

If you would like to see the upgrade process, you can watch this video demonstration:

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